My Dyke Pages..HEHE


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Shoutouts to My Friends
You know who you are, but I'll throw you on here anyway. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you shouldn't be here looking!


Missy...What to say about you,Miss Thang.. Well, first off, I can say that you is a great person. I have never once regretted one moment with you. In fact, I keep hoping for more time with you. You are a great lover, but and even better friend. You are an important part of my life, and I love you more than anyone could ever know.


Poe, hun, you are so very sweet to me. I'm glad that we met and became close. I'm so sorry for what happened.. but you went into the relationship knowing I still loved Miss. I again apologize profusley, but I followed my heart..still...458...

Eyeguy wants to be friends


Jen, you are a great friend. I could not ask for a better one. I'm glad we stayed close after the hard times we had. It saddens me to think I could have lost the friendship we have now. Don't forget me now that you are a big shot graduate.. Love ya!

Andy.... Andy, Andy... You are awesome man! A great friend..I would do anything for you, but.... I WON'T SUCK YOUR PENIS!!! Dude, there is a reason I'm gay...*whispers* I don't like penis....But anyway, if there is anything else I can do for you, I'm your woman... Oh, and U.P.S. men rock!!!!

I haven't forgotten the rest of you guys, just trying to get all my site up at once.. I'll add you all as soon as possible. Much love!