My Dyke Pages..HEHE


And now...what you've all been waiting for... | Shoutouts to My Friends | Related Links | Contact Me | My Poetry
And now...what you've all been waiting for...

Here's more than you probably want to know about me...

Well, here we are, and I bet you are waiting for me to tell you some stuff about myself. Ok, if you're sure...I'd better not.   What? You do want to hear it? Well, ok....
All my life I have been the good little girl, proper, polite, teachers pet, good at school...All that good stuff. I was always a tomboy, growing up with more boys than girls. I had a connection with the boys that was different, like I fit in with them. Of course I played house, Barbies, and all the girly stuff,  but I always liked being with the guys more. No one thought anything of it until..... dum da dum... I came out of the closet!!! *Gasp*
So, here I am, a lesbian in a small WV town. Sounds fun doesn't it. Well, to tell you the truth it kinda is. I can weird people out, but mostly they love me for me. I'm even known as the Worlds Greatest Lesbian by my friends like Jig, Missy, Cassie, Gina, and Clayton to name a few. So no matter how much shit I get from the stupid hicks in this town, I still have my friends to keep me going.
Most of what keeps me going though is my babygirl Amber. She is the light of my life and I can't see myself being without her. We've had our problems, but its always came out alright in the end. If ya wanna know more about us, I'm gonna start a page just for her.
Anyway, here is a little bit of physical info on me. I'm 5'5",  short  reddish brown hair, blue eyes, small wire frame glasses, medium build. I love to take pictures, play sports, play bass drum, sing in the school show choir, read, write poetry and stories. I'm into a lot of shit that is normal for a teenager to be into. Music is one big thing in my life. I guess you could call me an artsy person.
I have some big plans for my life coming up. I'm a senior at Clay County High School, and the year is quickly coming to an end. I am going to enroll into Marshall University as a part time student, and me and my baby are gonna get an apartment. I can't wait to leave this place. Its hell.

Yes, I'm a lil screwed up in the head. Oh well, people love me anyway.. don't they??



The Normal Fav. Junk


01. Name: Tarayn Elizabeth Sears
02. Nicknames: Tararayn from Rachel.. everyone else hates is boring 
03. Screen name[s]: VampyGrrl86-AIM peircedchicka04-Yahoo
04. Age: 17
05. Grade: Senior! FINALLY! 
06. GPA: if I don't wanna know, then you DEF. don't wanna know
07. Sex: Female
08. Birthday: February 16th
09. Zodiac sign: Aquarius
10. Hospital: Charleston CAMC Division
11. Location: back in the boonies, Big Otter
12. Height: 5'5" or 5'6"
14. Hair Color: reddish brown
15. Eye Color: semi-bright blue
17. Parents names:  Clara and Ernie(stepdad) and Newt and Judy(stepmom)
18. Favorite Thing: Ambers days off work
32. Memory you would like to forget: all the bad memories with Amber
33. What'd you do yesterday? I was a gypsy at the Halloween dance.. then my baby spent the night with me and well.. thats all you need to know...
34. Last person you talked to on the phone: Amber
35. Last thing you said: I love you too baby. Bye!
36. Last song you listened to: i don't remember

      <The FUTURE Side>

38. Occupation: Producer or Photojournalist

39. Dream Car: Chevy Nova
40. Marriage: as soon as we set a date
41. Kids: 2 or 3
42. Future son's name: Xander Luke or Ezekiel Alan
43. Future daughter's name:Haley Dawn,Tamber or Lasandra Marie
44. Honeymoon: London, England or Dublin, Ireland
45. Where will you live: Im not for sure.
46. What are you doing tomorrow? F-ing school!  

  The FAVORITES side there are lots of these!

47. Food: Chinese 
48. Drink: Bicardi Silver
54. Color(s): purple and black  
58. Day of the week: any day Amber is off..
57. Weekend Activity: spendin time with my baby
59. Month: October (Ambers Birthday, our anniversary, and Halloween!)
60. Book:  the Harry Potter series
61. Holiday: the 4th of July
62. Number: 13
63. Cookie: soft, chewy, chocolate chunk
64. Phrase to overuse: I don't really know...
66. Ice Cream: cookies and cream
67. Candy bar: 100 Grand
68. Teacher: Patti Coulter 
69. School subject: Drama
70. Restaurant: TGIFridays
71. Channel: Comedy Central 
72. Radio Station: 102 if I listen to the radio
73. Type of music: any
76. Music Video: I don't watch TV that much
77. Sport: i don't really have one 
78. Website: Nokia's Communication Center
79. Relative: I dont know! I have so many favs!
80. Hangout: dont really have one
81. Friend: dont know

     <The PEOPLE YOU KNOW Side>
(Ok, all of these are probably going to be Amber, so I'll save you the trouble of reading her name over and over again)
93. Sweetest: 
96. Most hyper: 
99. Quietest: 

    The ONE OR THE OTHER Side:

100. Brooks & Dunn: neither one!
101. Peanut butter OR Jelly: peanut butter cause you can add stuff to it but you can only add pb to jelly
102. Coke OR Pepsi: pepsi
103. Is it Sprinkles or Jimmies: huh?
104. Matt OR Ben: what a question for a lesbian...
105. CMT, MTV, OR VH1: MTV2
106. Apples OR Oranges: Oranges
107. Vanilla OR Chocolate: vanilla and chocolate swirl(I cheat!)
108. Flowers OR Candy: flowers all the way!
110. Romantic, Comedy OR Horror:  horror(with someone to hold onto. Hehehe!)
111. Book OR Magazine: book
112. TV OR Radio: tv, but not if I can get on the net!
113. Is the glass half full OR half empty?: half full


114. Do you believe in angels? yes
115. Aliens: OH GOD! THE COWS!!!!!
116. Heaven & Hell?: yeah
117. God? Uhduh!

     The HAVE YOU EVER Side:

       (Answer YES or NO)

119. Been on a plane: no
120. Cried in public: yes
121. Climbed a tree: yes
122. Fell asleep in a Movie Theater: no
123. Kissed The Opposite Sex: yes (and the same sex..)
124. Met a celebrity: no, unless you consider Hollywood from 102
125. Met the president: no
126. Been scared to get a shot: no. I cant be scared of needles if I wanna keep adding to my piercing collection!
127. Gotten a cavity: yes
129. Had an online relationship: yes..unfortunately
131. Said, "I love you," and meant it: yes
132. Made prank calls: yes
135. Loved somebody so much it made you cry: very much YES! 134. Skipped school: yes
136. Gone to a theme park and checked out all the cute guys/girls? Yes I have

   <First thing that pops into mind>

143. Bill Clinton: monica lewinski
144. Lollipops: a little girl with pigtails licking a HUGE lollipop like the ones in the mall
145. Dreams: thoughts of people I want to be with
146. Love: Amber *contented sigh*
147. Whipped Cream: hehehe.. Im awful...
148. South Park: Brain Murphy doing his Cartman impression on the bus
149. Boy Bands: some boys doing a stupid dance on stage w/a million and one girls screaming for them
150. Guys: ummm..let me think.. NO!
151. Girls: fun!
152. Death: darkness


153. Dog/Cat~~~> Dog
154. Blue/Purple~~~> purple
155. Chocolate/Vanilla~~~> chocolate because Ive heard that chocolate is better than sex!
156. Underwear/Bra~~~> if I had to pick, underwear..close to the good part..hehe
157. Pen/Pencil~~~~> one of the gel pens
158. Plumber/Trashman~~~> trashman
159. Ear/Eye~~> Eye
160. Rich and unhappy/poor and unhappy: why be either if you are unhappy?


163. Last time you showered: um, last night
164. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?: black cause it is one of the most important crayons
165. How many buddies do you have on your list?  137
166. Do you like this survey? Yeah if it wasnt so long
167. What are the last 4 digits of your number? 3754
168. One pillow or two, cotton or feather? One on each side of the bed so I can switch in the middle of the night, feather cause cotton flattens
169. Last CD you bought: not really sure
170. How long are you in the shower?: around 10 minutes. I believe that you should get in, get clean, get out.
171. How do you eat a Reese's Peanut Buttercup?: eat the side, then eat the middle
173. Is Tupac alive?: what does it matter anyway?
174. Thoughts on Britney Spears: has some good songs, big slut, wannabe sex toy(ewwww!) deserves Justin cause they are both stuck on themselves
175. What does your screen name mean? Its just when I was in the "I'm fascinated with vampires" stage
177. Right, Left, or Ambidextrous? Better at everything with my left exept writing. I have to write with my right.
178. What is on your mouse pad? no mouse pad for me
179. What is under your bed? shoes, memory book boxes, junk
180. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie pop? I dont know. Ive never had enough time on my hands to try and figure it out.